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Albas White Goat


"The vast expanse of Albas land conceals countless wonders. Situated at 105° longitude east and 40° latitude north, this mysterious terrain enjoys warm daytime in the winters as if it were spring, yet the nights are piercingly cold. This drastic temperature variation has given rise to a marvel. Here, adorable little goats thrive. Though small in stature, their fur is as soft as an infant's hair. Between their delicate ears, they sport a pair of intricate and cute small horns. These are the rare Albas White Cashmere Goats, the magnolias of the goat world, exuding an aura of wisdom and nobility. Even in the harsh winters, they remain vivacious, their soft fur radiating warmth and hope. They are nature's masterpieces, the pride of the Albas land."

"Albas goats, with their unique genetics, have hair follicles smaller than typical goats, producing exceptional cashmere with an average fineness of 14.5 microns and over 55% pure cashmere content. Recognized as the 'Albas Type White Cashmere Goat' by the Inner Mongolia government in 1988, they were designated as a nationally protected rare species in 2001."

"Exquisite Craftsmanship"

Centuries-old craftsmanship, embodying history

"Inheritance binds soul and culture. From the rare Albas goat comes nature's fleece, transformed by craftsmen into exquisite warmth. Melding nature's and human artistry, we embrace tradition and modernity, defining our era's essence."

"Committed to eco-friendly, sustainable excellence.

"In the arid Albas highlands, the resilient Albas Cashmere goat thrives, coexisting harmoniously with its harsh surroundings. Through scientific grazing and selective breeding, we prioritize ecosystem balance and superior cashmere yield. Embracing technology for nature and sustainability as our fashion guide, we commit to eco-friendly, top-tier manufacturing, fueling a greener future for our ancient land."